Mediasi Kepuasan Kerja dan Stres Kerja pada Hubungan antara Self-efficacy dan Kinerja Penjual Jasa Asuransi


  • Eny Sulistyowati Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
  • Susi Widjajani Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta



self-efficacy, job satisfaction, job stress, job performance


The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between selfefficacy and job performance; job satisfaction and job stress as a mediating variable. This research also investigates the impact of job satisfaction on job performance and job stress on job performance. Variables in this research were measured with a survey of 109 insurances salespersons in Yogyakarta and Semarang. Path Analysis were used to examine the effects of self-efficacy and job performance, job satisfaction on job performance, and job stress on job performance. Results showed that the relationship showed that self-efficacy significantly related to job satisfaction and performance, but no significant relationship existed with job stress. It also showed that job satisfaction partially mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and job performance. In addition, this research found that job stress not mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and job performance. There is no significant relationship existed between job stress and job performance but this research showed that job satisfaction significantly related to job performance.

Author Biographies

Eny Sulistyowati, Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta

Departemen Ilmu Manajemen

Susi Widjajani, Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta

Departemen Ilmu Manajemen


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How to Cite

Sulistyowati, E., & Widjajani, S. (2012). Mediasi Kepuasan Kerja dan Stres Kerja pada Hubungan antara Self-efficacy dan Kinerja Penjual Jasa Asuransi. Jurnal Maksipreneur: Manajemen, Koperasi, Dan Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 69–84.




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