Desain Komplesi Sumur Sour Gas; Sebuah Study Kasus

Ganesha R Darmawan(1*), Aries Prasetyo(2),

(1) Bandung Institute of Science Technology
(*) Corresponding Author



Desain komplesi harus mempertimbangkan beberapa parameter dari sumur, meliputi tekanan, temperatur, jenis fluida yang diproduksikan dan laju alir produksi sumur tersebut, dimana desain harus tahan terhadap beban yang dapat terjadi selama usia sumur. Jenis fluida yang dihasilkan berperan penting dalam pemilihan material, terutama untuk gas asam yang mengandung konsentrasi H2S dan CO2 yang tinggi. Analisa pemilihan material tubing, jenis packer dan aksesoris pelengkap dianggap perlu untuk memastikan bahwa material dan desain dapat menahan semua beban yang mungkin terjadi selama usia sumur.

Setelah desain secara konseptual ditentukan, maka desain detail secara keteknikan dapat dilakukan. Pemilihan material dan desian komplesi sumur didasarkan pada kondisi  sumuran dengan menggunakan beberapa metode, seperti stress analysis, triaxial stress analysis dan tubing movement analysis. Material yang terpilih kemudian diuji dengan kondisi  masa  produksi sumur dan selama tahap instalasi  untuk melihat integritas sistem. Tubing 25CRW-80, Retrievable Packer dengan long locator seal bore complete with Perfluoro Elastomers, Tubing Retrievable SCSSV (Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve) dan  25CR aksesoris komplesi dapat menahan semua kemungkinan beban selama siklus dan usia sumur.

Kata kunci: gas asam, desain, komplesi, material.



Well completion design is an important aspect in oil or gas well before the production phase. Completion design should consider some crucial parameters of the well including pressure, temperature, type of produced fluid and the flow rate of the well, where the design should last and overcome all of disturbance that migh occurs during well life cycle. The type of produced fluid plays an important roles in material selection, especially  for sour gas that contains high concentration of H2S and CO2.  Analyzing the tubing material selection, type of packer and completion accessories is considered necessary to ensure that the materials and design could withstand all the loads during well life.

After conceptual completion design is define, then detailed engineering design is proceed. Material selection and completion design   is based on the condition of the well by using several methods, such as stress analysis, triaxial stress analysis and tubing movement analysis. The selected materials   then tested by the well production condition and during the installation phase to see the integration of the system.  Tubing 25CRW-80, Retrievable Packer with long locator seal bore complete with Perfluoro Elastomers, Tubing Retrievable SCSSV (Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve) and 25CR completion accessories could withstand all load possibilities for the well life cycle.

Keywords: Sour Gas, Completion,  Design, Material.


sour gas, completion design, material selection, tubing movement, triaxial stress

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