Studi Kasus Penerimaan Diri Transeksual Di Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah Yogyakarta

Rio Wahyu Nugroho(1*), Indra Wahyudi(2), Fx Wahyu Widiantoro(3),

(1) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Proklamasi 45
(2) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Proklamasi 45
(3) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Proklamasi 45
(*) Corresponding Author



ABSTRACT            Transsexuals are individuals who feel that they are born with the wrong biological sex and consider themselves to be a group of the opposite sex. The background factors are internal (natural) and external (family and environmental influences). This study aims as a case study to find out what causes self-acceptance of transsexuals at the Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah Yogyakarta. The research method used is qualitative research using observation, interviews and documentation as data collection methods. This study used 2 (two) subjects including students from the Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah Yogyakarta. Based on the results of interviews and observations, it can be concluded that transsexual self-acceptance can be influenced by social support such as support from the community where they live, support from friends and most importantly family support


Self-acceptance, Transsexual

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Copyright (c) 2023 Rio Wahyu Nugroho, Indra Wahyudi, Fx Wahyu Widiantoro

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Journal of Psychology (JPsi)

Organized by Psychology DepartmentUniversitas Proklamasi 45, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Published by Universitas Proklamasi 45

Email: [email protected] | [email protected]

ISSN (electronic): 2557-4694  ISSN (printed): 1858-3970