Pelatihan Stress Management Untuk Meningkatkan Employee Engagement Pada PT. VST

Ivada Pustakasari(1*),

(1) Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


Stress management training, which is carried out by selecting training sessions in the form of symptoms and professional stressors, management of irrational beliefs, time management, and assertiveness, is expected to increase employee engagement (job engagement, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment). Symptoms and professional stressors are in the form of understanding stress in general, such as its definition, sources of stress experienced, and symptoms of stress. Furthermore, management of irrational beliefs carried out is the existence of cognitive restructuring so that there is a change in positive views of stress. The existence of a positive individual view of the stressor faced by both the challenge and the hindrance stressor through the cognitive restructuring process will help him to do the right coping. On the stress management program aims to improve coping skills which can have an effect on individual core beliefs. There are several practical techniques in stress management, apart from cognitive restructuring, namely time management and assertive communication skills to improve employee engagement.


Stress management, stress, employee engagement

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Journal of Psychology (JPsi)

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