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Jurnal Psikologi

Journal TitleJurnal Psikologi
Electronic-ISSN2557-4694 (March and September)
FrequencyBiannually (March and September)
DOIPrefix 10.30588 by 
Review ProcessBlind-Peer-Review
Access PolicyOpen Access Journal
Copyright NoticeCopyright Notice
Editor-in-ChiefArundati Shinta
PublisherUniversitas Proklamasi 45
Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar
Journal IndexingScholar | Crossref | EBSCO | GARUDA | IOS | Dimensions | Microsoft Academic | ROAD |ResearchBib 

Jurnal Psychology (JPsi) is a periodical, scientific, and peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Proklamasi 45 (UP45), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, twice a year (biannually) in March and September. This journal is intended to collect and publish a summary of research results and scientific development writings as well as original ideas that are fresh and challenges related to the study of Psychology. The JPsi editor invites academicians, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in the development of scholarship in these fields to submit their best 

Benefits for Authors

  • The article will have DOI from Crossref.
  • JPsi uses a blind peer-review process.
  • JPsi is indexed by international indexers. 

Open Access Policy

All readers can read and download any full-text articles free of charge.

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