Evaluation of Waste Management System at Temporary Waste Dump Site (TPS) in Urban Area of Yogyakarta

Idham Ibty(1*), M. Sigit Cahyono(2),

(1) Universitas Proklamasi 45
(2) Universitas Proklamasi 45
(*) Corresponding Author


Waste has been a serious problem in all areas of Indonesia, including in urban areas of Yogyakarta (KPY). As one of the existing problems, the temporary waste dump site (TPS) requires an integrated waste management system. The objective of this research is to evaluate the condition and effectiveness of TPS in urban areas of Yogyakarta. This research uses the qualitative method, by solving the problem through the description of the object state at the time the data is taken based on the apparent facts. The main data has been obtained through the interview and field observation process, while secondary data has been obtained from documents from several institutions and other scientific references. Results of the study reveal that there are 212 units of temporary waste dump sites (TPS) in urban areas of Yogyakarta, consist of; 143 of permanent TPS, 51 containers, and 18 depots. The majority of them are located in Municipality of Yogyakarta and the fewest number are located in Bantul Region. In general, the temporary waste dumpsites in urban areas of Yogyakarta are in good condition. There’s only few of them in relatively poor condition, due to the portion of waste that is not well accommodated in the TPS. Another problem is the inappropriate design of TPS, especially for containers. Consequently, the waste cannot be adequately transferred from waste vehicle to TPS. In addition, we found a new paradigm of integrated temporary waste dumpsite (TPST) operated by Non-Government Organizations, but they need adequate facilities and evaluation of the design. Including, the sustainable support from multi stakeholders, and also the plan arrangement of development to improve organizational capacity, business, and partnership in the management of the integrated temporary waste dumpsite for optimal public service.


urban areas of Yogyakarta, management waste system, temporary waste dumpsite

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30588/cjees.v1i1.251

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