The Influence of Particle Size and Fuel Consumption Rate on Oil Characteristics from Pyrolysis of Aluminum Foil Coated Polyethylene (Al-PE) Waste

Muhammad Noviansyah Aridito(1*),

(1) Universitas Proklamasi 45
(*) Corresponding Author


The collection of oil and aluminum is an effort made in order to utilize waste from Aluminum Foil Coated Polyethylene (Al-PE). Meanwhile, pyrolysis is one of the conversion technologies that can be used to treat this kind of waste. The materials that would be used in this research is Al-PE plastic waste. This research aims to determine the effect of fuel consumption rate and particle size on the oil characteristics from pyrolysis of aluminum foil coated polyethylene plastic (AI-pE) waste. The material used in this research is Al-PE plastic waste. The selected particle size variations were 50 × 50 mm and 100 × 100 mm for 130 minutes with variations in fuel consumption rate of 4.77 g/min, 377 g/min and 2.46 g/ min. The resultant pyrolysis and aluminum oil is measured to obtain yield. The results showed that Al-PE pyrolysis oil has a brownish yellow color, distinctive odor, flammability and physical character close to kerosene even to gasoline. The oil yield is between 6.9% wt to 22.4% wt. The highest oil yield and highest heating value obtained from sample A with particle size 50 × 50 mm and fuel consumption rate 4.99 g/min (0.29 kg/h) per kg of Al-PE for 130 min with material density in reactor 27 kg/m3.


Pyrolysis, Al-PE, heating rate, particle size

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