Multiple Regression Analysis on Influence Factors of Household Cooking Fuels in Indonesia

Syaiful Mansyur(1*),

(1) Universitas Proklamasi 45
(*) Corresponding Author


One of the causes of the energy crisis is that the number of people is positively correlated with increased consumption of energy, especially fuel and electricity. The need for energy sources, especially for household purposes such as cooking, can be fulfilled by using LPG gas and firewood, as is well known, the LPG and firewood have been used by households in Indonesia since a long time. The variables that affect the use of LPG and firewood by households are "per capita GRDP", poor population, total area, number of islands, forests, and waters. By using multiple linear regression analysis, the prediction of the effect of these variables on the use of LPG and firewood can be obtained. Accuracy results obtained are 64% for both types of fuel. Meanwhile, the completeness of the data and the addition of other variables can improve the results of prediction accuracy.


multiple regression, cooking fuels, liquid petroleum gas, firewood

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