H. Muhammad Khambali(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Information technology develops very quickly, requiring the state to make regulations so as not to have a negative impact on its nation. Globalization forces one to avoid being in touch with people, both nationals and different nations, both nationally and internationally. The world is getting smaller in your grasp. Therefore, regulations are needed to regulate the traffic of information technology so that they do not rub against each other or create unwanted problems, whether economic, political, social, cultural, defense, security, religious or criminal. As the real world, cyberspace (information technology) has the potential to create cybercrimes.
The Republic of Indonesia as a unitary state in the form of a republic, sovereignty is in the hands of the people and based on the law (rechtstaat) is not based on mere power (machtstaat) must protect its citizens from the negative impact of information technology flows, between cybercrime. Pancasila as the basis of philosophy, outlook on life, the basis of the state, and the source of all sources of Indonesian law must inspire all the laws (rules) in the Indonesian system, including the rules governing crime in cyberspace.

Keywords: legal protection, cybercrime, dignified justice.

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