Hartosujono Hartosujono(1), Muji Pambudi(2*),

(1) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
(2) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Objective of this research was to identify about employee’s leisure time and how to utilize it either on productive or unproductive ways. That subject works in an oil and gas enterprise in Jakarta. The enterprise has an under pressure office hour management i.e. 2 weeks offshore and 2 weeks leisure time at home, sometimes 06.00 AM-18.00 PM or 18.00PM-06.00 AM. All together with other employees, he has to live in a guesthouse nearby the rig. It was because of working with inflammable products, the safety rules must be obeyed unquestionable. This working management was very severe since physical healthiness was necessity. Most of employees were under pressure but they withstand because of good salary. Data information was collected through interview. This research revealed that subject utilized his leisure time with family, sometime running small business, and doing hobbies. He intended to continue his education (he had secondary educational level) till at least bachelor degree. However he noticed some obstacles. He might perceive that he trapped in a comfort zone. He knew well about enterprise’s bankrupt risk, but he was unable to improve his skill and educational level. However he wished that his children should have higher educational level than their father. He understood that current and further work competition would be very tight. Therefore he had to prepare his children carefully through working in this under pressure enterprise until retire. A research limitation was discussed i.e. a female employee who worked in a similar enterprise would be interesting. It was because female employee surely utilized her leisure time differently comparing with male employee.

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Organized by Research and Community Service Unit (LPPM), Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
Published by Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
ISSN (print): 2613-9405