Metode Inversi AVO Simultan untuk Mengetahui Sebaran Hidrokarbon Formasi Baturaja, Lapangan "Wine”, Cekungan Sumatra Selatan

Anastasia Neni Candra Purnamasari(1*),

(1) Petroleum Engineering, Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Data seismik 3D (CDP gather) pada daerah penelitian dilakukan proses inversi prestack yaitu inversi AVO simultan untuk mengetahui sebaran hidrokarbon. Data seismik 3D terbentang dengan jangkauan inline 1003-1302 dan xline 5002-5300. Metode inversi AVO simultan dilakukan dengan data masukan berupa angle stack yang diinversi secara bersama-sama (simultan) untuk menghasilkan impedansi-P, impedansi-S dan densitas. Dari hasil inversi impedansi-P dan inversi impedansi-S didapatkan nilai lambda-rho dan mu-rho sebagai hasil turunannya. Kisaran nilai hasil inversi impedansi-P, impedansi-S, densitas, lambda-rho dan mu-rho pada porous limestone formasi Baturaja yaitu nilai impedansi-P sekitar 11000-13500 m/s*g/cc, nilai impedansi-S sekitar 6500-7400 m/s*g/cc, nilai densitas sekitar 2,52-2,6 g/cc, nilai lambda-rho sekitar 36-70 Gpa*g/cc dan nilai mu-rho sekitar 41-59 Gpa*g/cc. Berdasarkan map slice hasil inversi impedansi-P, map slice hasil inversi impedansi-S, map slice hasil inversi densitas, map slice hasil inversi lambda-rho dan map slice hasil inversi mu-rho dapat diketahui area persebaran hidrokarbon pada formasi Baturaja. Persebaran hidrokarbon berada di sekitar sumur TT.

3D seismic data (CDP gather) in the study area was carried out a prestack inversion process, namely simultaneous AVO inversion to determine the distribution of hydrocarbons. 3D seismic data stretches with inline range 1003-1302 and xline 5002-5300. Simultaneous AVO inversion method is done with input data in the form of angle stack which is inverted together (simultaneously) to produce P-impedance, S-impedance and density. From the results of P-impedance inversion and S-impedance inversion, the values of lambda-rho and mu-rho are derived as a result of their derivatives. The range of values of P-impedance inversion, S-impedance, density, lambda-rho and mu-rho in porous limestone formation i.e. the P-impedance value around 11000-13500 m/s*g/cc, the S-impedance value around 6500-7400 m/s*g/cc, the density value around 2.52-2.6 g/cc, the lambda-value rho around 36-70 Gpa*g/cc and your value around 41-59 Gpa*g/cc. Based on the P-impedance inversion map slice, S-impedance inversion map slice, density inversion map slice, lambda-rho inversion map slice and mu-rho inversion map slice can be known the area of hydrocarbon distribution in the Baturaja formation. Hydrocarbon spread is around the TT well.


inversi simultan; impedansi; lambda-rho; mu-rho; simultaneous inversion; impedance

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