About the Journal
Journal Title | Jurnal Offshore: Oil, Production Facilities, and Renewable Energy |
Online ISSN | 2549-8681 |
Frequency | Biannually ,2 issues in a year (June and December) |
DOI | Prefix 10.30588 by |
Review Process | Blind peer-review |
Access Policy | Open Access Journal |
Editor-in-chief | Lia Yunita |
Publisher | Petroleum Engineering Department |
Institution | Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | ONESEARCH | |
Jurnal Offshore: Oil, Production Facilities, and Renewable Energy is registered with ISSN 2549-8681 (online) on The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). This journal is under publishment of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta. It is a scientific journal focusing on Oil, Production Facilities, Renewable Energy, and Software Simulation. It provides a publishing platform for scientists and academicians to share, publish, and discuss all aspects of the latest outstanding development in the field of Petroleum Engineering.
The first issue of this journal was in 2017. It presents six articles in an issue. Published twice a year in June and December, this journal conducts a double-blind peer-review process for each manuscript. The authors are required to submit the original, relevance research results in the form of an article, and it is written in the Indonesia language or English language. All readers can read and download any full-text articles free of charge.
For indexation, Jurnal Offshore: Oil, Production Facilities, and Renewable Energy can be browsed online on Google Scholar, Onesearch, and others.Current Issue
Perkiraan Laju Penetrasi Pengeboran Sumur Panas Bumi Menggunakan Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System
DOI : https://doi.org/10.30588/jo.v8i1.1786
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Evaluasi Penyimpangan Lintasan Pengeboran Berarah Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pembebanan Drill String pada Sumur “A-A” Lapangan "CPG
DOI : https://doi.org/10.30588/jo.v8i1.2015
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