Kualitas papan partikel dari limbah serat kelapa muda dan styrofoam untuk kebutuhan dunia industri

Markus Nanda Andika(1*), Enda Apriani(2), Syaiful Mansyur(3), Sumpena Sumpena(4),

(1) Universitas Proklamasi 45
(2) Universitas Proklamasi 45
(3) Universitas Proklamasi 45
(4) Universitas Proklamasi 45
(*) Corresponding Author


Waste of young coconut fiber can potentially be used as reinforcement for new particleboard material. This potential agricultural waste is quite large in Indonesia. Styrofoam waste is also a problem to date. This is because the use of styrofoam as a food wrapper is still quite high in Indonesia. Besides being environmentally friendly, this particleboard also has economic value in the industrial world. Young coconut waste is crushed with a coconut fiber decomposing machine. Styrofoam as an adhesive is dissolved with gasoline. Each proportion of raw material for young coconut fiber: styrofoam, which is 25: 75 (%), 50: 50 (%), and 75: 25 (%).

The test results of the mechanical properties of the particleboard with Composition III showed better results than the particleboard with Composition I and Composition II, which obtained an average MoE value of 832.69 kgf / cm2, an average MoR value of 12.10 kgf / cm2, and the average IB value of 2.01 kgf / cm2.


waste; coconut fiber; styrofoam; particleboard; industry

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30588/jeemm.v6i2.1165

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