INTEGRALISME ISLAM DAN BUDAYA LOKAL Relevansi Nilai-Nilai Filosofis Budaya Lampung Bagi Pembangunan Daerah

A. Fauzie Nurdin(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study reveals Integralism of Islam and Local Culture, which focused on the relevance of philosophical values of Lampung Cul­ture for Pesawaran development. The approach from the stand­point of cultural philosophy will be used to explain the issues that must be "understood" and actualized in daily life. The method used is involved observations, interviews in profound way, and study documentation. Qualitative analysis of philosophy done by interpreting, comparing, and linking theory with data that has been processed and applied. Apparently, integralism of Islamic and philosophical values of local culture is contained in Lampung culture that in essence is a fact and the work of the performers, so Piil Pesenggiri as a philosophy of life grow and develop in society as a 'local genius' and 'local wisdom' of a nation is useful for the development of the region.

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