
  • Muhammad Khambali Fakultas Hukum Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta


Article 1 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia determines in paragraph (1) that the State of Indonesia is a unitary state in the form of a republic; paragraph (2) that the sovereignty is in the hands of the people and implemented according to the Constitution; paragraph (3) that the State of Indonesia is a legal state. As a state of law, The state of Indonesia must uphold the law. The enforcement of the law can take place normally and peacefully, but can occur because of violations of law enforced by law enforcement. Law enforcement in Indonesia implemented by law enforcers through the judiciary should pay attention to 3 things, namely: legal certainty (Rechtssicherheit), benefits (Zweckmassigheit), and justice (Gerechtigheit). The criminal justice system is a sub-system of justice in Indonesia which is very important in law enforcement. Criminal justice governance that includes investigation, investigation, prosecution, defense, trial, execution, and correctionality necessitates an ongoing revitalization effort in the face of the development of a society that demands more just and verifiable access to justice, and more efficient and open legal services. One of the things that must be done in the revitalization of criminal justice governance is the reconstruction of rules on criminal justice based on dignified justice.


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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana.


