Studi Komparasi Penentuan Viskositas Lumpur Pemboran Menggunakan Marsh Funnel dan Viscosimeter Berbasis Video Berbantuan Software Tracker

Lia Yunita(1*),

(1) Petroleum Engineering, Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Lumpur pemboran merupakan salah satu penunjang yang penting dalam suatu operasi pemboran minyak, gas dan panas bumi. Fungsi Lumpur pemboran  ditentukan oleh komposisi kimia dan sifat fisik lumpur.  Kesalahan dalam mengontrol sifat-sifat fisik lumpur akan menyebabkan kegagalan yang dapat menimbulkan hambatan pemboran (hole problem) dan akhirnya mengakibatkan kerugian yang sangat besar. Viskositas merupakan bagian yang pokok dalam sifat-sifat rheologi fluida pemboran. Pengukuran sifat-sifat rheologi fluida pemboran penting mengingat efektivitas pengangkatan cutting merupakan fungsi langsung dari viskositas. Di laborotorium teknik perminyakan penentuan viskositas lumpur pemboran biasa dilakukan dengan menggunakan Marsh Funnel.Penelitian bertujuan membandingkan hasil penentuan viskositas menggunakan marsh funnel dan viscosimeter berbasis video berbantuan software tracker.  Sampel dalam penelitian adalah  lumpur pemboran berbahan dasar aquadest dan bentonite dengan tambahan additive. Percobaan dilakukan sebanyak lima kali dengan komposisi lumpur pemboran yang berbeda. Sampel I berbahan dasar bentonite ditambah aditive spersene 0,5 gram. Sampel II  berbahan dasar bentonite ditambah aditive spersene 1 gram, Sampel III  berbahan dasar bentonite ditambah aditive CMC 0,5 gram. Sampel IV berbahan dasar berbahan dasar bentonite ditambah aditive CMC 1 gram dan sampel V berbahan dasar bentonite tanpa aditiveHasil analisa menggunakan Marsh Funnel dalam penentuan viskositas lumpur pemboran dimana dari hasil analisa laboratorium apabila lumpur dasar ditambahkan  spersene  maka viskositas kinematik akan berkurang dari 29,3 detik menjadi 28,3 detik dan apabila lumpur dasar ditambahkan CMC maka viskositas kinematik akan bertambah dari 36,5 detik menjadi 38,3 detikPenggunaan viscosimeter berbasis video berbantuan software tracker dalam penentuan viskositas lumper pemboran dengan penambahan spersene 0,5 gram diperoleh nilai viskositas 0,065 ±0.02 poise, penambahan spersene 1 gram diperoleh nilai viskositas 0,052 ±0.02 poise, penambahan CMC 0,5 gram diperoleh nilai viskositas 0,087 ±0.01 poise, penambahan CMC 1  gram diperoleh nilai viskositas 0,092 ±0.03 poise. 

Drilling mud is one of the important supports in an oil, gas and geothermal drilling operation. The function of drilling mud is determined by the chemical composition and physical properties of the mud. Errors in controlling the physical properties of mud will cause failure which can lead to drilling problems (hole problems) and ultimately result in huge losses. Viscosity is an essential part of the rheological properties of drilling fluids. Measurement of the rheological properties of drilling fluids is important considering the effectiveness of cutting removal is a direct function of viscosity. In the petroleum engineering laboratory the determination of viscosity of drilling mud is usually done using Marsh Funnel. The research aims to compare the results of the determination of viscosity using marsh funnel and video-based viscosimeter assisted by software tracker. The sample in this study was drilling mud made from aquadest and bentonite with additives added. The experiment was carried out five times with different drilling mud compositions. Sample I made from bentonite plus 0.5 gram additive spersene. Sample II made from bentonite plus spersene aditive 1 gram, Sample III made from bentonite plus aditive CMC 0.5 gram. Sample IV made from bentonite based added CMC aditive 1 gram and sample V made from bentonite without additive The results of analysis using Marsh Funnel in determining the viscosity of drilling mud where from the results of laboratory analysis if base mud was added with spersene the kinematic viscosity would decrease from 29.3 seconds to 28.3 seconds and if the base mud is added CMC then kinematic viscosity will increase from 36.5 seconds to 38.3 seconds. The use of video-based viscosimeter assisted by tracker software in determining the viscosity of drilling jumpers by adding 0.5 grams of spersene obtained a viscosity value of 0.065 ± 0.02 poise , the addition of 1 gram of spersene obtained a viscosity value of 0.052 ± 0.02 poise, the addition of 0.5 gram CMC obtained a viscosity value of 0.087 ± 0.01 poise, the addition of 1 gram CMC obtained a viscosity value of 0.092 ± 0.03 poise.


viskositas; lumpur pemboran; marsh funnel; viscosimeter berbantuan software tracker; viscosity; drilling mud; marsh funnel; viscosimeter assisted software tracker

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ISSN (online): 2549-8681
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